The Engineered Ceramic Panel (ECP™️) panel has been rigorously tested for stability and resistance to the elements according to British and international standards. Full independent testing has been conducted to ensure the ECP™️ panel as part of a cladding system can withstand almost anything thrown at it. For more specific technical information regarding testing and the suitability of the ECP™️ panel for your project, contact us.

What is CWCT Testing?
CWCT test results are your assurance that the ECP™️ panel will be amongst the very highest performers in any weather conditions.
As part of a ventilated rain-screen system, ECP™️ has been subjected to watertightness, leakage and structural stability tests under intensive conditions. Impact testing has also been performed to determine the strength and stability of the slab.
Testing has been conducted in a state of the art facility in London to a standard which satisfies the required technical standards for both UK and international applications. Whether your project is single storey of over 100 storeys, the ECP™️ Panel is certified and capable.

Impact Testing
Impacts with cladding panels can happen in many different ways – via accident, maintenance and cleaning or severe weather. To make sure that typical and extreme impacts can be withstood, both hard body and soft body tests have been carried out on the ECP™️ panel.
Impact testing involves introducing the panel to a solid steel ball or soft body from various heights and intensities. Withstanding impact from a soft body is particularly important if the panel will be installed down to ground level.

Further Testing
Our panels have been assessed for a multitude of physical properties including but not limited to:
- Pull testing for compatibility with undercut anchor systems
- Heat Resistance
- Stain Resistance
- Scratch and Abrasion Resistance
- Bending Strength
- Frost Resistance
- Fire Resistance
- Breaking Load
- VOC Emissions
- Shock Resistance
See our Technical page for specific results.